For submitter
For Attendees
Regular written papers and posters are the core of VARE 2015. All accepted papers and posters will be published in the proceedings of the conference that will be published by Procedia Computer Science Journal (Elsevier) (ISSN: 1877-0509) and will be indexed Science Direct, Engineering Index, Scopus and Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI Web of Science).
All submitted abstracts will be peer-reviewed by three independent referees from the program committee.
Note that there is no distinction between full and short papers. Material simultaneously submitted to VARE 2015 and another venue will be rejected without review.
For the review process, an abstract of 300-500 words should be submitted, including a statement of the objective and significance of the proposed presentation, a description of methods and a discussion of results.
The review process of the International Conference VARE´15 is not blind. The name and contact details of the author(s) who appear on the paper are given to the reviewers.
The abstract, which should be submitted for the review process, can be submitted in DOC format. The abstract should be prepared using the available template and sent to : Upload Documentation
Abstract template
References, tables and figures are acceptable in the abstract. The 300-500-words limit excludes references.
Camera-ready full papers (a minimum of 6 pages and a maximum of 10 pages ) and Short papers (limited to 4-5 pages), should be submitted in DOC format. The formatting guidelines will become available:
Paper template.
IIMPORTANT NOTE: For paper and poster presentation at the Conference and publication in the Proceedings of VARE 2015 at least one author registration is required (see rules of registration).
Authors are invited to submit proposals for poster presentations of recent results, work in progress, new ideas and other smaller projects which may be of interest to the general community but which are still too speculative, too incomplete or not of sufficient extent to warrant a full paper. Accepted posters will be published in Proceedings of the conference. Posters will also be displayed during the conference and will be part of a posters session to be run in conjunction with one of the social events.
For the review process, an abstract of the poster with 250 words should be submitted, including the essence of the planned presentation. The abstract, which should be submitted for the review process, can be submitted in DOC format. The abstract of the poster should be prepared using the Abstract template and sent to Upload Documents.
References, tables and figures are acceptable in the abstract. The 250-words limit excludes references.
The review process of the International Conference VARE is not blind. The name and contact details of the author(s) who appear on the abstracts of posters are given to the reviewers.
Camera-ready extended posters (Limited 3 pages long) should be submitted in DOC format. The formatting guidelines will become available here paper template
After sending an email, you should get a notification that your email has been received.
IMPORTANT NOTE: For paper and poster presentation at the Conference and publication in the Proceedings of VARE 2015, at least one author registration is required (see rules of registration).
VARE 2015 will provide exhibition space for demonstrations of VR/MR/AR to the community. These demonstrations can take the shape of live, interactive demos, lab/corporate exhibitions, interactive art exploration, or combination of these. The live demonstrations may be related to implementations of techniques presented in the papers or posters.
We encourage a diverse range of submissions and demonstrations from both Science & Technology and Arts, education, Media, & Humanities tracks. The main selection criteria will be the expected general interest of the demonstration to the Virtual, Mixed and Augmented Reality community.
Submission guidelines.
To submit a proposal for a demo, please use this template (template demonstration) and send to Documentation (please use DOC document)
09:00 Abstracts submission opening (Abstract)
09:00 Papers upload opening (Demostration)
20:00 Abstracts submission opening
09:00 Abstracts submission opening (Poster)
13:00 Papers upload opening (Abstract)
13:00 Papers upload opening
13:00 Papers upload opening (Poster)
15:00 Papers upload opening (Full /Short paper)
09:00 Abstracts submission opening (Full /Short paper)
09:00 Abstracts submission opening (Demostration)
00:00 Abstracts acceptance (Abstract)
09:59 Abstracts acceptance
23:59 Abstracts acceptance (Poster)
09:59 Papers upload closing (Poster)
09:59 Papers upload closing (Abstract)
09:59 Abstracts submission closing
09:59 Papers upload closing
23:00 Abstracts submission closing (Poster)
23:59 Abstracts submission closing (Full /Short paper)
23:59 Papers upload closing (Full /Short paper)
23:59 Abstracts acceptance (Full /Short paper)
23:59 Abstracts submission closing (Abstract)
23:59 Abstracts acceptance (Demostration)
23:59 Abstracts submission closing (Demostration)
23:59 Papers upload closing (Demostration)
09:00 Starting date
18:00 Closing date
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